Awards, distinctions and scholarships
Co-recipient of the 2013 NSERC Brockhouse Award for interdisciplinary research (with the FORAC research team)
Teaching Scholarship of the Québec Ministry of Education (2009-2014)
Second Best Student Paper Award (with Pascal Forget) of the 13th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering, 2008, Las Vegas, US
Second Best Student Paper Award (with Constance Van Horne) of the 12th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering, 2007, Cancun, Mexico
Recipient of the Méritas Best Teacher Award (Rookie professor) from École Polytechnique de Montréal for 2006-2007
Scholarship of Excellence (1999) from the Network Organization Technology Research Center
Invited to the 9th Annual Logistics Doctoral Symposium (1999), organized by the Council of Logistics Management (Toronto, Ontario Canada).
Best presentation Award (1998) of the Network Organization Technology Research Center.
Best Academic Work Award (1996) of the Canadian Association for Logistic Management, for paper: “Managing Risk in the Supply Chain”
Scholarship of Excellence (1995) of REXFOR.
Guest lectures
2015 ——————
Reverse logistics and closed-loop supply web, 17th, march 2015, Americana 2015.
2014 ——————
Rôles et techniques d’accompagnement pour la création des symbioses industrielles, 12 mai 2014, 82ième Congrès de l’ACFS
Closing the Loop: A Step Towards Sustainability, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 5th (English)
2011 ——————
Agility within the value chain VCO Network Summer School, February, 17th. (english)
Les synergies industrielles: un outil d’innovation et de compétitivit Université Rural du Québec, Bonnaventure, 13 septembre. (french)
2010 ————————
Automated supply chain coordination based on OR and Agent technology, Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering, Montréal, Januray. (english)